Saturday 30 June 2018

Crochet black cat - a first attempt at amigurumi

So, the weather at the moment is absolutely glorious. It doesn't seem do long ago that we were experiencing stormy weather with high winds, thunderstorms and even snow so the sunshine is a welcome change as it doesn't seem to happen very often and when it does it is gone just as quick as it came.

This weather got me thinking about how whatever the weather it can cause problems for someone. the cold temperatures can effect the elderly especially if they struggle to get out and about and with heating their homes. Although I love the snowy weather the cold effects my mobility with my joints really aching. It is a good excuse though to snuggle up under the latest blanket that I want to be doing! The hot weather also can have its issues with sunburn and sunstroke. I certainly don't like making my blankets in the daytime, preferring to make them in the evening.

I have seen many online posts and pleas recently about this hot weather effecting animals and how we need to make sure that with the ones we look after that they are staying cool enough and hydrated. At the moment I don't have any pets but in the past I have had both dogs and cats. The dogs loved paddling in the sea, although not always the walk to get there. They needed to go early in the day or in the evening when it was cooler for their paws. The cats were able to find shade in the garden under the leaves of the shrubs with plenty of water bowls in the shade too.

This thinking of animals brought back memories of the first amigurumi that I attempted. I cant believe that it was four years ago. My Mum had been in hospital but needed looking after once she came out for the first couple of days. I had seen a pattern in a magazine of a lovely little black cat and I thought that I would have a go to see if I could do it. I was just starting out with my crochet at the time having only even done granny squares before so it would be a case of whether I could advance my skills. It was a perfect project to do whilst looking after my Mum as it was only small sections to complete at a time. My mum also loved seeing how it was coming along.

The finished crochet cat sits on top of one of  my speakers in my craft room, watching over me when I am in there working away. It reminds me of one of my cats that I had years ago who was also black and white. Her favourite place to be would be stretched out along the back of the sofa. I am thrilled with how my little amigurumi cat turned out even if she does look a little sleepy!

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