Friday 8 June 2018

Calorie free doughnuts - more stash busting of the yarn mountain

So, after making my calorie free crochet ice lollies the other week I thought about what other types of calorie free food I could come up with a pattern for and crochet.Top of my list was doughnuts. I mean, who can resist a doughnut! Especially mid morning with a nice hot cup of coffee.

Now I had an idea I needed to think about how they would look. I could either do the classic filled doughnut or an iced ring doughnut. For the first ones, I decided that I would go with the iced ring doughnut shape. I may however do the classic filled ones later on but add icing to them. This I thought would be another great little project that could use up some more of the small little balls of yarn that I have left over from other projects. It would also again be great for doing when the weather is hot and I don't want the big blankets on my lap.

Having already done the emoji's I thought that would be a great starting point in working out the pattern. Rather than starting a circle though I started with a chain and worked out from there increasing until the right size and then decreasing until I got back to the starting number of stitches. The icing used the same pattern but only up until the end of the increases.

I am really pleased with how they have come out. I did use two different hook sizes on them to see how they would differ and I think I prefer the one that was made using the smaller hook size as the stiches are more compact and in my opinion, look neater. I love the bugle beads that I have stitched on to look like sprinkles. I did think about using yarn to recreate them and I may do in the future. The last thing I did was to put a face on one of them. I do quite like it but am not one hundred percent sure. I think if I make more I will do a mixture of both styles. I just now need to write the pattern down that I have been working from as at the moment it only exists in my head!

So, now on to the next coffee time treats .......................

Watch this space

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