Tuesday 29 May 2018

Calorie free ice lollies - great for stash busting the yarn mountain

So, when the sun is shining on a lovely bank holiday Monday and I really wanted to do some crochet I knew that working on one of my Mandala Madness blankets would be far too hot to have on my lap.
I needed to come up with something that would use up some of my small balls of scrap yarn that are getting really too small to work with on larger projects and also quick and small so that I could work without getting too hot with the project on my lap.

The inspiration came from the various adverts on the TV and also in the newspapers and magazines. On hot days what could be nicer than tucking into a cold refreshing ice lolly or ice cream. Now that the idea had been planted in my mind I just needed to sort out how to make them. I thought about some of my favourite ones from my childhood and started with the most straight forward. A fairly flat rectangle worked in the round using one main colour with a small section at the bottom to represent the filling of ice cream. I really like how they have come out so wanted to see how they would look using three stripes of even thickness. These ones I stitched on some bugle beads to represent the sprinkles that you can often get on these types of ice lollies.

Once these ones were crocheted I thought that they needed to have some character added to them so cut out some little faces and stitched on a mouth on a couple of them. They look so cute!

The final design was based again on a classic lolly shape from my childhood and again used three colours. This one was the most tricky of them all to do as I needed to work out how to create the three separate steps as well as at the same time changing colour. Luckily it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be and it only needed frogging once. Again they had little faces added to them.

I am so pleased with these little bag charms, especially by just adding a face how this has made them look really cute and added to their appeal. They have been great for stash busting the yarn mountain and also have the added bonus of being better for my waistline than if I had eaten half a dozen ice lollies!

Yarn stash busting, calorie free ice lollies and ice creams.

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