Friday 18 May 2018

Mandala Madness - Part 15

So, I haven't posted about the other Mandalas that I have been making since the beginning of the year I have realised. I have been so busy getting the fourth one completed and starting other smaller crochet projects such as socks (which I have discovered I love doing!) and bag charms and phone cases.

Both the white version, that I have been making for my Mum , and the colour change one have both been completed and are waiting on me finding the time to square them off which I cant wait to do as I know it will really change the appearance of them. The black one is still on part 14 as I have finally managed to get the pink wool that I had run out of and my local wool shop had stopped stocking it! I managed to find it but ended up going much further afield but I know that it will be worth it. I just need to get on with it and get it finished before the winter. It seems strange saying that as we are only just getting days of sunshine as we head into summer.

Part 15 has lots of treble clusters which give it a lovely open texture. It did give a strange feel to it as I was doing it as it felt quite loose but at the same time I had to be mindful that the stitches were not too tight. It took a bit of working to make sure I had the tension right. The part ended with one of my favourite stitches, the ruffle stitch. I love how it looks as it leans slightly to one side.

The colour change version although smaller than the double knit versions is growing in size and the whirl is faded out to a very pale grey colour. This has really emphasised the dark grey colour from a few rounds previous. I needed to start the next whirl on the very last round, this has been done in a pale grey colour also. This whirl will again fade into a darker colour. I do like working with the Scheepjes whirls and look forward to the fuzzbuzz and seeing the next colour slowly start to come in and change.

Onto part 16 ..................................

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