Sunday 2 April 2017

Pushing the boundaries

I have been doing lots of knitting lately. It is something that I find very relaxing and helps me deal with the stresses that we can face in daily life. Recently I have completed a black long length cardigan, a purple ombre with black stripes cardigan, a teal aran cable jacket and lots of mini hats for the Age UK innocent smoothie bottles (for when I wanted something quick and easy to do without thinking). I am also mostly through making a teal version of the long black cardigan.

As much as I like knitting and how it helps me unwind, I do also love my sewing. This can be relaxing but I need to think more in comparison. I have always loved to sew but like to do a range of different things, depending on what the mood takes me and how much time I have. Back in February I decided to join a dress making group where we met up to have a chat. It was a fairly new group having only been set up the previous month. As a teenager I liked to get clothes and change them to make them unique and more my style. Recently I have decided I would like to make clothes from patterns and try to alter them as I go to make them more me.

At the dressmaking meeting that I went to we were set a challenge of making either a sorbetto top (from a downloaded pattern) or a picnic skirt that was made from our measurements. I decided that I would have a go at the skirt as I had no way of printing out the pattern at the time. Having never made anything from scratch and with no paper pattern to pin and cut out the pieces from I found this quite a challenge. Was it going to fit me? Would I get the measurements right? I chose a really nice black cotton drill fabric with white spots. I decided that it needed a splash of colour so I found out some red bias binding from my stash to place along the seam line between the waistband and the skirt body. Having an idea and trying it out really pushed me. Luckily it worked out well. The final touch was to add some apple shape buttons down the front. It came out really well for a first attempt so will definitely be making another one. I also decided to give the top a go having been given a printed out copy of the pattern. This one was quicker to make and I do like the fabric that it has been made in. Mexican dancing skeletons! The binding around the neck and armholes is something I have only done once and is something that does push me as I want to get it perfect every time. I also want to work on the fit. As although it does fit me ok, I would like to alter it slightly so that it is perfect.

Having only used paper patterns recently, I thought that it would be the made to measure piece that I would find the most challenging and push the boundaries. However, I have found that using paper patterns the size does not always fit perfectly and its how you have to change and adapt rather than just going on the original measurements that you have taken. I am pleased with both but am surprised at how they my perceptions of how I would find making them to be the complete opposite!

I just need to photograph them now and upload.

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