Wednesday 24 May 2017

Mandala Madness - Part 2

Onto part two of the Mandala Madness CAL. There was quite a few new techniques to learn on the first part so I was interested to see how part 2 would go. The treble clusters were really straight forward and similar to the popcorn stitches (but with less stitches) and I am pleased with how the green shows up behind the pink "flower" from the first part. Once the next round was completed, I could see how the shape was starting to change. It was now looking more of an 8 pointed star. I really love the folded trebles that outline the end of CAL for the final round.

I have found that it is starting to get quite addictive and I don't want to put my crochet down. Either one! They are very different to work on as they are being done in the different yarns. The whirl is so much more delicate and I find I have to be careful not to split the yarn. I can also now see the colour is starting to slowly change and get lighter.  The double knit is working really well but I have to keep on top of sewing those ends in every time I change colour (not such an issue with the whirl yarn). I don't want to get to the end and have them all to do.

As I am enjoying doing these I decided to show my Mum what I am up to, especially as she was the one who bought me the Scheepjes whirl yarn and was keen to see what I would do with it. She has fallen in love with the pattern even though I have only done a little of it. I am now doing a version for her. She wanted Stylecraft double knit wool and chose colours that match a quilt she is planning on making.

Part two complete. Onto Part three.

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