Thursday 4 January 2018

Mandala Madness - Part 14

Well its been a long time coming. To get all three blankets to the same point. I had managed to run (nearly) out of the green that I was using for my black blanket and wanted to wait until I had some more of the exact shade before continuing. It definitely made me lack the motivation to continue even though I knew I would have enough to do the current part and wouldn't need it again for the next part. My local wool shop always had it in stock, until I of course needed it. I also wanted to complete the white one as it was a Christmas present for my Mum. I will square it off for her at a later date but for now it is finished.

Onto part 14 then.

The blankets, at the beginning, start to smooth out to a more circle shape with lots of single and double crochets. I am really liking how the colour is starting to get lighter on the whirl blanket. The grey is starting to really fade out. It will be interesting to see how the blanket looks once it gets to the very pale grey/white colour where there is a dark band preceding it. I will have to think carefully which colour I will want to add in next.

The double knit blankets are getting so big. And they will only get bigger! It takes much longer to go around now, especially when there are rounds that are full of trebles. I like the front post trebles that are near the end of this part. They are really effective and add texture. I did the ones for the double knit blankets in the main colour as I like how it has gone over the green section. Making it look almost as though the green is behind and peeking out.

A lovely part to do and am glad I can now continue with them all.

Onto part 15 ................

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