Friday 23 February 2018

Colour pooled loom knit scarf.

So I have seen lots of lovely things completed using the technique of planned colour pooling, where a self striping wool has been used to give a criss cross pattern. I first saw this on social media with lots of advice and guidance of how to achieve this but the items produced where all done in crochet and the explanations related to tension, crochet stitches and hook sizes etc.

This is something that really caught my eye and I wanted to have a go at. One day.

Along with the crochet projects that I have got on the go I wanted to make another loomed scarf using the figure of 8 stitch as I really like how this works up, also it is the only one I know at the moment! I have got a book that shows different ones to do on the long loom and again, it is something I will have a go at. I found this most beautifully soft wool in one of the bigger supermarket chains. I have made an infinity scarf in a lovely plum colour wool in the same type of yarn so knew how this wool would work up. What I didn't expect however was how the colours would work out. The wool consisted of 3 colours: lemon, lilac and blue. After about 8 inches I could see how there was a pattern starting to emerge. I was keen to keep on going as after the first few rows I really wasn't sure if I liked it or not. Did I want to continue or start something new with this wool. I kept going.

The scarf took 4 balls of wool and I was so surprised, and very pleased, that without planning it at all or even realising that it would happen I had the colour pooling technique that I had seen so many lovely things crocheted with evident in my work. Something that I had wanted to have a go at. One day.

What I have learnt is that sometimes not having a clear idea of what you are going to achieve can really turn out wonderful results. Just going with the flow and seeing what happens.

Friday 16 February 2018

Mandala Madness - version 4 - Parts 11-12

So, after the drama that is part 10 (and especially round 66), parts 11 and 12 seem like a breeze in comparison. I am loving how the colours are really starting to work with each other. Even if I have had more reservations about that than I care to admit! The blues and greens of the fourth swirl have worked really well against the different shades of purples and pinks of the first two swirls. And even the greys and purples of the third swirl have blended in really well. I think the pattern has helped the colours to blend with each other and I have had to keep reminding myself to keep going as all would be alright in the end. This has not always been easy I can tell you!

I think the trick has been, with the different colour changes, to step back and look at the blanket from a distance. When you are up close and personal it is very easy to see where the colour changes have happened. especially when it has been mid round. It goes against your instinct, and the need to stop, break off the colour, and start each round with a colour that you know you will finish the round with has been really great at times. To keep reminding yourself that the change will not be noticeable when viewed as a whole rather than a part. I love this wool. The style craft Batik swirl, as it is so very different to the other wools that I have used on the other blankets. This one is so much more of a challenge but so rewarding at the same time. I can't wait to see how the next few parts turn out as I am sure that the colour changes with choosing the next swirl will be just as challenging and what I plan to do in my head might just not be what I end up doing.

Loving this pattern ..........

Saturday 10 February 2018

Mandala Madness - version 4 - Part 10

I have done the previous blog posts on this blanket commenting on three parts completed at a time. I thought for this post I would comment on just part 10 as its the one that contains the infamous round 66!

I have been using the fourth batik swirl which contains a lot of dark blues and the lime green. It also has more different shades of the blues and greens as well. I really was hesitant at how this would go in, like I was with the previous swirl that had all the grey shades in. I thought that such a dramatic change away from the purples that are in the middle it would not work. And all those thoughts before getting to round 66.

I needn't have worried. The swirls looked so good in order before I started the blanket that I knew I would just have to trust those first instincts and go for it. The colours do change mid round but I am not as worried about that as I thought I would be. I don't have a huge amount of the swirl left so it has been a decision of what to do next. Do I keep going with the current order of 4? Or do I do something a bit different? That will be decided very soon as I get ready to start part 11.

Friday 2 February 2018

Mandala Madness - version 4 (parts 7-9)

The blanket is starting to get much bigger and the rounds are starting to take a lot longer again. I don't know why this surprises me having done it all before! I am however surprised how quick this blanket is being completed. I guess where I have done these parts 3 times before and I have only got the one on the go from the beginning it will get made quicker. Also, I am really keen to see how the colour change wools work with this one so that helps.

I have now completed 2 out of the 3 other blankets. Well, up to the end of Helen Shrimptons pattern. The round. I will square up both of them in due course, but it is nice just working on the other two to get them to that point. I am seeing lots of different colour combinations that I could also do it in so I might not stop at just the 4 versions!

Round 53 saw me start the third Stylecraft Batik "cake" and I really wasn't sure about it at all. The first 2 "cakes" worked so well together as they shared very close tones in the purples so the blend was very subtle. The green colour was missing in the second one but it was nice to see that colour in the beginning parts. This next "cake" however was a beautiful range of grey and purple tones. When sat next to each other before I started making the blanket they looked really good. However in practice I really did not like the first round. It started with the lightest grey which contained some blue tones. Next to the purple of the previous round it really did not go so I frogged it. I will admit that I did wind the first two grey sections of the "cake" (the light and then the dark grey) into a separate ball and started with the purple shade. This worked so much better as it blended with the previous shades of purple. When the light grey came in, for the long stitches, it worked so much better.

Although apprehensive about the new "cake", I kept going until I had completed it and am really glad I did. I knew that I would get to this point because of the type of wool that I am using. The fact the there will be changes part way around that I will have to live with. That the new ones might not in reality go as well as they do before they are used. That is where my new challenge is coming in doing this version. The next "cake" is full of blues and greens. Can't wait to see how I feel about that one going in. Its also nearly time for the dreaded round 66. That one I can wait for.