Sunday 18 March 2018

Mandala Madness - version 4 - Part 14

So, lately I have been working on making up my patterns for little crochet bag charms and have managed to come up with 5 different designs. I now have prototypes for: emoji's, watermelons, trainer sock (with pom-pom detail), mini sock with lace trim and mini backpacks. This is what happens when you have an idea and feel you can run with it. However, yesterday the weather decided to take a dramatic turn and the snow that we had a couple of weeks ago decided it was going to return! The dramatic drop in temperature meant a welcome return to doing my blanket again. I mean, what can be nicer on a cold day than snuggling up under a blanket that you are working on with the added bonus of keeping lovely and warm. I mean, you just can't do that with the crochet that you have been working on no bigger than a couple of inches across!

So, onto the blanket. I am now halfway through the 7th "cake" of Stylecraft batik swirl and these colours are really working well together. The blue/green band that sits in between the grey and lilac colours has blended in now and doesn't look quite so out of place against all the other shades of pinks and purples that the blanket has. The pale olive green shade is also tying the blanket together. Although I like purple and green together, I do get a bit apprehensive when the next one comes in but when I stand back and look, especially once the next purple shades are there, I really like and appreciate that "pop" of a different colour.

Part 14 has a lot of doubles and trebles in it which is a yarn eater, especially the double trebles! They do give a great texture and I like how they are all done as front post trebles, connecting with the ones from the round below. I have now managed to catch this blanket up with the black version so it will be really nice to do them at the same time in part 15. Its also been quite a while since I have worked on the other one and the colours are very contrasting against this ones subtle colour changes (in comparison). Just need a few more snow days!

Onto part 15 ............

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