Saturday 24 March 2018

More Emoji's anyone?

So, I had this idea a couple of weeks ago that I would like to have a go at crocheting some Emoji bag charms. Like you do. After spending what seemed to be a lot of time trawling my local shops trying to find that perfect shade of yellow wool, they were either too pale or too orangey or just too wrong, getting the pattern right seemed to be much less stressful.

I made the first one and had the idea that I wanted it to have the heart eyes. I had some heart buttons and thought that they would be perfect. If I am honest, I am still not too sure about them. I think I will have a go at trying to do a crochet heart to stitch on instead but still keep this one as it is so I can compare.

There are now ten emoji's in the little family of bag charms. I have even done some in different colours rather than all in yellow. No two of them are the same. They have different expressions, the yellow ones, and the ones with the same expression are in in different colours. Some of them I like more than others and some are starting to look as though they are part of the Mr Men series of characters even though they are not meant to be! The next development I think I will be having a go at is making them more into a ball shape as opposed to a stuffed disc. I think also I might try and use felt to create the eyes and open mouths etc. and see how I feel about the quality of final bag charm, whether the crochet features add something more or whether the felt does.

Whatever the next step for these crochet little Emoji's, I know that their story has not ended just yet.

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